San Antonio men and women who visit Dr. Decherd or Dr. Isakson for ear surgery (otoplasty) are tired of dealing with the embarrassment prominent ears can cause. For children, otoplasty surgery can end teasing and boost self-esteem. For adults, otoplasty is liberating — ending years of living with ears that stand out and draw attention away from other facial features. In people whose ears stick out, ear surgery can bring them closer to the head for a more balanced look. Otoplasty can also be performed to reshape ears that are deformed or overly large.

Surgical Technique
The technique used during ear surgery will be determined based on what is being addressed. Some patients have too much ear cartilage while others do not have enough. In the case of protruding ears, excess soft tissue will be trimmed away, and the cartilage will be reformed and supported by splints. The incisions are usually made behind the ear and then sutured. In cases where the cartilage is underdeveloped, which can result in a “hidden ear” appearance, cartilage reshaping will also be involved, but sometimes, tissue grafting is necessary to render volume.
Plan Your Procedure
Recovery Time: 1-2 Weeks
Average Procedure Time: 2 Hours
Post-op Follow-up: 1-2 Days
Procedure Recovery Location: Outpatient