Persistent pockets of abdominal fat and loose, sagging skin can be extremely frustrating for men and women seeking a flat, toned mid-section, especially when exercise and diet fail to flatten them out. Dr. Michael E. Decherd and Dr. Matthew Isakson can help some patients in these situations attain the tummy tone they are looking for with a mini tummy tuck. This surgery is a great alternative to a traditional abdominoplasty for patients who do not need a full hip-to-hip tummy tuck. During consultation, Dr. Decherd or Dr. Isakson will provide every patient with a comprehensive examination and personalized recommendation. Depending on the amount of abdominal fat, muscle tone and skin laxity, there are a variety of procedures and procedure combinations that may be recommended to help the individual attain their goals.

Surgical Technique
The technique used for a mini tummy tuck is similar to that of full abdominoplasty. However, with a mini version the incision is much smaller and the area addressed will be just under the belly button. Liposuction is usually used during this procedure to remove excess fat. The excess skin that remains will be pulled tight so that the tummy has a new toned, flat appearance. In most cases, the belly button is unaffected. Scarring, while it does exist, is minimal and is easily concealed under a bathing suit or under garments.
Mini Tummy Tuck Video
San Antonio, TX | Tummy Tuck Surgery | San Antonio Plastic Surgery Institute
During/After Surgery
A mini tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility and typically takes around 1-2 hours. The recovery generally takes about 4-6 weeks; this is when clearance to resume exercise is usually given. No longer forced to “suck it in”, patients love their results and feel that their abdomens look and feel more toned and fit. The results following a mini tummy tuck can be long lasting, unless a pregnancy or significant weight gain occurs, both of which could compromise the results of the surgery.

Board Certified, MD
Dr. Decherd
Dr. Decherd is a fourth-generation doctor who chose plastic surgery because he enjoys helping people look and feel their best.

Board Certified, MD
Dr. Isakson
Dr. Isakson is a board-certified plastic surgeon with specialized fellowship training and extensive experience in aesthetic surgery.