After Weight Loss: Patient 3

Procedure: After Weight Loss Surgery

This thirty-something hasn’t had children yet, but she did have a weight-loss surgery. After losing about 100 pounds, she came to Dr. Matthew Isakson to talk about the extra skin that was left behind. She wanted a natural look with a subtle, perky lift. With her weight loss and these goals in mind, she and Dr. Isakson decided on a mastopexy (breast lift) without an implant.
For her tummy, Dr. Isakson performed an extended tummy tuck with muscle repair. She lost about 5 pounds of skin and fat from her tummy and had a 10 centimeter fascial repair. This is another example of Dr. Isakson’s finesse in plastic surgery. With tailored results and a rapid recovery, she was back playing golf in no time!

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